Parvez Alam Khan

Dr. Parvez Alam Khan is an Assistant Professor at the School of Business, Woxsen University with 4 years of industry and 5 years of research experience He has completed his Ph.D. in Management from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. His research has featured in leading journals including the Business Strategy and the Environment, Cogent Business & Management, Environmental Science and Pollution Research and Journal of Risk and Financial Management. His research interests include sustainable innovation, green innovation, social innovation, SDG and corporate governance. He teaches courses on accounting, sustainability, sustainable finance, corporate governance and strategic managements.


Sustainable Solutions for E-Waste and Development
Rajesh Kumar K. V., Hemachandran Kannan, Dmitry Spodarets, Parvez Alam Khan, Bikash Kumar Pradhan. © 2024. 396 pages.
The burden of global electronic waste, or e-waste, grows heavier by the day, demanding we take a closer look at the obscure hazards lurking within electronic devices. E-Waste...