Maria Valeria Ficarra

Maria Valeria Ficarra is a lawyer. B.A. Union lawyer (2003). Master in International Legal Practice (2008). Public Relations: AInCI (International Association of Interactive Communication) and ALAIPO (Latin Association International of Human-Computer Interaction) Barcelona, Spain. Main research interests: labour and international law, legal and business strategies, problem-solving techniques, leadership, psychology, sociology, communication, cultural understanding and cooperation.


Technology-Enhanced Human Interaction in Modern Society
Francisco Vicente Cipolla-Ficarra, Maria Valeria Ficarra, Miguel Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jacqueline Alma, Jim Carré. © 2018. 319 pages.
Technology has changed the way people carry out their daily lives and communicate with one another. Society has become dependent on technology and with that comes the need to...