John Rugutt

John Kipngeno Rugutt is an Associate Professor of educational research, applied statistics and educational technology in the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations at Illinois State University, Normal City, USA. His research projects focuses on using multilevel techniques to understand how individual and institutional factors affect learning. Dr. Rugutt’s engagement in scholarly activities has enabled him to publish and co-author several articles in refereed journals including the Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, Planning and Changing, Educational Research Quarterly, and the Journal of Educational Research. He has authored and co-authored several book chapters and presented papers at various annual meetings of regional, national and international professional organizations. Additionally, he has written research monographs, research grants, and project reports on many high impact educational and research topics. Dr. Rugutt is a two-time recipient of the International Institute of Education Fellowship under the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP).


Fostering Sustained Learning Among Undergraduate Students: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Caroline Chemosit, John Rugutt, Joseph K. Rugutt. © 2017. 185 pages.
Keeping students engaged and receptive to learning can, at times, be a challenge. However, by the implementation of new methods and pedagogies, instructors can strengthen the...