Jingying Wang

Jingying WangJingying Wang is a PhD student of Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She received the B.Sc from Jianghan University in 2009 and the M.Ed from Nanchang University in 2014. Her major is psychology from bachelor until now. At present, she focuses on cyber psychology and psychiatric diagnosis.


Automatic Emotion Recognition Based on Non-Contact Gaits Information
Jingying Wang, Baobin Li, Changye Zhu, Shun Li, Tingshao Zhu. © 2019. 14 pages.
Automatic emotion recognition was of great value in many applications; however, to fully display the application value of emotion recognition, more portable, non-intrusive...
Automatic Emotion Recognition Based on Non-Contact Gaits Information
Jingying Wang, Baobin Li, Changye Zhu, Shun Li, Tingshao Zhu. © 2018. 12 pages.
Automatic emotion recognition was of great value in many applications, however, to fully display the application value of emotion recognition, more portable, non-intrusive...