Fredrick Japhet Mtenzi

Fredrick Mtenzi’s research interests include designing secure mobile micropayment transactions in low-end mobile devices, design of robust protocols for gathering online evidence and investigations, cyber security, security auditing, techniques for improving predictive protection in cyber security, and security metrics development. Recently he has been working on developing de-identification strategies which will increase the utility and privacy of sensitive information in the era of big data. Specifically, these de-identification strategies are used in increasing the sharing of electronic healthcare records.


Mobile Technologies and Socio-Economic Development in Emerging Nations
Fredrick Japhet Mtenzi, George S. Oreku, Dennis M. Lupiana, Jim James Yonazi. © 2018. 366 pages.
As technology advances, mobile devices have become more affordable and useful to countries around the world. As a result, mobile evolution has become an essential part of...
A New Educational Mobile Devices Platform for Social Inclusion in Tanzania
Fredrick Japhet Mtenzi. © 2016. 10 pages.
It is evident that advances in technology has led to improvement in societal wellbeing. In this paper we demonstrate how mobile phones are used in providing reliable and quality...