Cheryl A. Slattery

Dr. Cheryl A. Slattery is an Associate Professor of Reading/Literacy in the Teacher Education Department in the College of Education and Human Services at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. She has been teaching in higher education for fifteen years, and previously taught for fifteen years in the Pennsylvania public school system as a sixth-grade teacher, Instructional Support teacher, Reading Recovery teacher, and Reading Specialist. She has also worked as a Children and Youth Caseworker, where she serviced individual needs of school-aged children and youth requiring out-of-home placement, and their families. She created psychosocial reports including goal setting and permanency planning; made regular visits to the resource home and school; developed engagement strategies with biological families; and conducted regular safety assessments of the children and youth. During her tenure at Shippensburg University, she has specialized in literacy coursework at the undergraduate and graduate level, most notably, reading measures and intervention, English language learners, diagnosis and assessment in reading, as well as middle level and secondary literacy tutoring. She has worked consistently and collaboratively with the Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School, the campus laboratory school, to impart best practices in the area of literacy instruction and intervention. Her research interests include home-school-community partnerships and family literacy, developing culturally alert teachers, best practices in the classroom, the struggling reader, interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline, and school readiness.


Developing Effective Literacy Intervention Strategies: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Cheryl A. Slattery. © 2018. 145 pages.
As reading is vital to success in life and opens the door to nearly all other learning opportunities, it is essential that educators understand why students with learning how to...
The Resonant Roar of the Internet: How to Use Social Media and Keep Your Job
Cheryl A. Slattery. © 2017. 17 pages.
This chapter will examine the intersection of law, policy, and appropriate teacher conduct in the online environment through a series of vignettes and offer suggestions for both...