Brasilina Passarelli

Brasilina Passarelli is a Scientific Coordinator of the School of the Future Research Laboratory - USP, Full Professor at ECA - USP, and Vice-Director of the Information and Culture Department at ECA - USP. She developed her Post-Doctoral studies at University Carlos III, Madrid - Spain. Her Master and Doctoral degree in Communications Science were obtained at ECA-USP, with an internship of 6 months at Michigan State University - East Lansing - MI. Undergraduate studies at Library and Information Science Department at the School of Communications and Arts - ECA of the University of Sao Paulo - USP.


Handbook of Research on Comparative Approaches to the Digital Age Revolution in Europe and the Americas
Brasilina Passarelli, Joseph Straubhaar, Aurora Cuevas-Cerveró. © 2016. 530 pages.
The way we talk, work, learn, and think has been greatly shaped by modern technology. These lifestyle changes have made digital literacy the new written literacy, where those who...
Living inside the NET: The Primacy of Interactions and Processes
Brasilina Passarelli, Francisco Carlos Paletta. © 2016. 15 pages.
Internet is one of the biggest revolutions throughout the history of mankind. It has been opening minds, flourishing new abilities and creating social inclusion chances, helping...
#ConnectedYouthBrazil Research: Emerging Literacies in a Hyperconnected Society
Brasilina Passarelli, Fabiana Grieco Cabral de Mello Vetritti. © 2016. 21 pages.
A new logic emerged in the hyperconnected contemporary society, contributing to a new kind of social agent. The emergence of social networks evolved to a diverse agents'...