Aurora A.C. Teixeira

Aurora A.C. Teixeira is a full professor at the University of Porto, Portugal, where she holds the Chairs of Macroeconomics and Innovation Management. She received her Ph.D. from SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit (University of Sussex, UK), and she was a visiting scholar at the IC2, Texas Austin University (USA) and Bocconi University (Italy). She is member of the editorial board of Journal of Academic Ethics (Springer). She (co)authored/ edited 12 books and published more than eighty articles in journals indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science. Her current research interests include technology commercialization, U-I linkages, economic growth, structural change, entrepreneurship, scientometrics, and academic ethics.


Examining the Role of Entrepreneurial Universities in Regional Development
Ana Dias Daniel, Aurora A.C. Teixeira, Miguel Torres Preto. © 2020. 360 pages.
Universities are becoming more entrepreneurial, and for local communities and companies, this has increased their economic standings tenfold. However, the competitiveness of...
ICTs and Family Physicians Human Capital Upgrading: Delightful Chimera or Harsh Reality?
Aurora A.C. Teixeira, Teresa Dieguez. © 2010. 27 pages.
The authors provide a quantitative assessment of ICTs role in general practitioners (GPs) medical daily practice and scientific performance. They focus on the Portuguese...