Alessia Santuccio

Alessia Santuccio holds a PhD in Economics of Communication. For more than 6 years, she was involved in research dealing with organisational and information technology (IT) innovation. As a member of the Catholic University's team, she acted as the vice-project manager for the EGAIS (the Ethical GovernAnce of emergIng technologies) project and contributed to it with her experience in managing large EU funded projects and in analysing the impact of information technologies on organisations.


Ethical Governance of Emerging Technologies Development
Fernand Doridot, Penny Duquenoy, Philippe Goujon, Aygen Kurt, Sylvain Lavelle, Norberto Patrignani, Stephen Rainey, Alessia Santuccio. © 2013. 417 pages.
The more integrated technology becomes in our everyday lives and businesses, the more vital it grows that its applications are utilized in an ethical and appropriate way. Ethical...