Alejandra Quiroga

Alejandra Quiroga received a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Sciences in 1983 (Bahia Blanca, Argentina). She has a Educational Bachelor in 1988 (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering in 2004 (Sweden). She is currently a teaching assistant (La Pampa, Argentina) and PhD student. Her current research subjects are education, user-centered design, open source software, software engineering and robotics. New fields of interest are computer graphics, computer-aided design, computer vision, semantic web and cloud computing.


Quality and Web Software Engineering Advances
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Miguel Cipolla Ficarra. © 2021. 42 pages.
In this chapter, the main avant-garde components that favor quality on the web are disclosed, especially from the perspectives of software and design. At the same time, the...
Technology-Enhanced Human Interaction in Modern Society
Francisco Vicente Cipolla-Ficarra, Maria Valeria Ficarra, Miguel Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jacqueline Alma, Jim Carré. © 2018. 319 pages.
Technology has changed the way people carry out their daily lives and communicate with one another. Society has become dependent on technology and with that comes the need to...
An Exemplary Interface for All
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jim Carré, Jacqueline Alma. © 2018. 24 pages.
In the current chapter is analyzed the latest interface of the video game that has been capable of adapting to the evolution of the software and the hardware for almost a quarter...
Kernel of the Labyrinths Hypertextuals
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Valeria M. Ficarra. © 2018. 21 pages.
In the chapter, the semantemes are amalyzed which serve as dychotomic links in the core of the online links with the negative goal of online interactive communication. We present...
Anti-Models for Architectural Graphic Expression and UX Education
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Jim Carré, Alejandra Quiroga, Valeria M. Ficarra. © 2018. 16 pages.
We present the main motivations why the excellence of the university education related to architectural CAD, graphic art/expression, and UX may be inexistent in Spain, by...
Free Emails in Bad Portals
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Valeria M. Ficarra. © 2018. 29 pages.
The possibility that millions of users have a free access to a website to send and receive multimedia messages has contributed to the democratization of the Internet since 1995...
Statistics and Graphics Online: Links Between Information in Newspapers and User Experience Evaluation
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jim Carré, Valeria M. Ficarra. © 2018. 30 pages.
In the chapter are indicated the main links of the isotopies between the static information and the different ways of graphic representation for the readers of online newspapers....
The Promotion of European Tourism in the Emerging Countries: Pyramidal Marketing
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Valeria M. Ficarra. © 2015. 13 pages.
The authors present the different communication strategies used for the promotion of European tourism in the emerging countries, through Power Point and pyramidal marketing. They...
Web Divide and Paper Unite: Towards a Model of the Local Tourist Information for All
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Miguel Cipolla-Ficarra, Jacqueline Alma, Alejandra Quiroga. © 2015. 8 pages.
The authors present the first results of a study intending to unify the quality criteria of the local touristic information in digital support (Internet) and analog (paper). An...
Storyboard and Computer Animation for Children: Communicability Evaluation
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jim Carré. © 2014. 17 pages.
The authors present the key elements of the storyboard and computer graphics that must be contained in the computer animations that are broadcast as miniseries and are based on...
Museum Information and Communicability Evaluation
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jim Carré, Jacqueline Alma, Miguel Cipolla-Ficarra. © 2014. 22 pages.
The authors present the first results of a heuristic analysis of the evolution of the commercial off-line systems related to the main European museums. The analysis is...
The Promotion of European Tourism in the Emerging Countries: Pyramidal Marketing
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Valeria M. Ficarra. © 2014. 14 pages.
The authors present the different communication strategies used for the promotion of European tourism in the emerging countries, through Power Point and pyramidal marketing. They...
Towards a Cyber-Destructors Assessment Method
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jacqueline Alma. © 2014. 10 pages.
This chapter shows the first results of a technique based on the information from Web 2.0 that can speedily and economically detect the networks or people who play, anonymously...
Web Divide and Paper Unite: Towards a Model of the Local Tourist Information for All
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Miguel Cipolla-Ficarra, Jacqueline Alma, Alejandra Quiroga. © 2014. 8 pages.
The authors present the first results of a study intending to unify the quality criteria of the local touristic information in digital support (Internet) and analog (paper). An...
Web Attacks and the ASCII Files
Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Alejandra Quiroga, Jim Carré. © 2014. 11 pages.
The chapter analyzes the destructive human factors exercised from the environment of the university training directly or indirectly related to the ICTs (Information and...