Digital Innovations for Renewable Energy and Conservation

Digital Innovations for Renewable Energy and Conservation

Pages: 300
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6532-8
ISBN13: 9798369365328|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369365335|EISBN13: 9798369365342
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Description & Coverage

This proposed book delves into the intersection of digitalization and sustainable green growth, exploring how advancements in technology can be leveraged to foster environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. It examines the evolving landscape of the global economy in the digital age, identifying opportunities and challenges for achieving sustainable development goals. The book delves into topics such as digital innovations in renewable energy, smart cities, circular economy practices, sustainable agriculture, and the role of digital platforms in promoting environmental awareness and conservation efforts. It provides insights into how policymakers, businesses, and individuals can harness digital technologies to drive forward a green economy while addressing pressing environmental concerns.

Impact on the Research Community:

This publication will significantly impact the research community by providing a comprehensive analysis of the synergy between digitalization and sustainable green growth. It will contribute valuable insights and perspectives to ongoing academic discussions and research endeavors in fields such as environmental studies, economics, sustainability science, technology innovation, and policy development. Researchers will benefit from the book's synthesis of interdisciplinary knowledge and empirical evidence, enabling them to deepen their understanding of the complex dynamics shaping the future of the economy and the environment. Moreover, the book may inspire new avenues of research and collaboration aimed at harnessing digital technologies for sustainable development.

Intended Audience:

The intended audience for this book includes academics, researchers, policymakers, business leaders, environmental practitioners, students, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology, sustainability, and economic development. It will appeal to scholars seeking to expand their understanding of the digital transformation's implications for sustainable development, policymakers tasked with formulating strategies to promote green growth, businesses exploring opportunities for innovation and sustainability, and students aspiring to specialize in fields related to environmental sustainability and technology. Additionally, the book may interest non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international agencies, and advocacy groups working towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

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Editor/Author Biographies
Jaheer Mukthar KP is a Research Faculty in the Department of Economics at Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, Bengaluru, India. With a strong focus on Technology, Business, and Sustainability, His research contributions have made a significant impact in these areas. He has an impressive publication record, with 48 papers published in indexed journals. His research has been recognized and awarded at various international conferences, including the 13th GIMAC conference in Turkey and the ICBT 2022 conference in Turkey, among others. His excellence in research has also earned him Best Paper Awards from renowned conferences, such as the 6th Equal Opportunity Conference in Bahrain.In addition to his publications and conference contributions, He is also an esteemed guest editor for three books for Springer Nature, showcasing his expertise in the field. He is also serving as an Associate Editor for the Academy of Marketing Studies Journal and the International Journal of Business Ethics and Governance, further demonstrating his commitment to scholarly excellence. His reputation as a distinguished academic extends to his role as an Editorial Review Board member for six Scopus-indexed journals, including the International Journal of E Business Research, Sage Open, JOEUC, IJABIM, and MAJCAFE, among others. His contributions as a reviewer and board member highlight his dedication to advancing the field of economics and promoting high-quality research.
Vishal Jain is presently working as an Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, U. P. India. Before that, he has worked for several years as an Associate Professor at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi. He has more than 14 years of experience in the academics. He obtained Ph.D (CSE), M.Tech (CSE), MBA (HR), MCA, MCP and CCNA. He has authored more than 90 research papers in reputed conferences and journals, including Web of Science and Scopus. He has authored and edited more than 30 books with various reputed publishers, including Elsevier, Springer, Apple Academic Press, CRC, Taylor and Francis Group, Scrivener, Wiley, Emerald, NOVA Science and IGI-Global. His research areas include information retrieval, semantic web, ontology engineering, data mining, ad hoc networks, and sensor networks. He received a Young Active Member Award for the year 2012–13 from the Computer Society of India, Best Faculty Award for the year 2017 and Best Researcher Award for the year 2019 from BVICAM, New Delhi.
Dr. / Prof. Sang-Bing Tsai is currently the Professor at Wuyi University and International Engineering and Technology Institute, Hong Kong, China. He is Technology Management PhD. Dr. Tsai is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (SSCI/SCI). He also is the Associate Editor for Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI) and Kybernetes (SCI), as well as serving on the editorial boards of 20 other journals. His recent research interests in big data, technology Education and sustainability. He has well over 200 published peer- reviewed journal articles
Chia-Huei Wu is an Associate Professor at the Minghsin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. She holds a PhD degree from the Department of Technology Management at the University of Chung Hua. Her research interests include Service Management, Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior and E-commerce. She has published more than 30 high-quality articles on SSCI/ SCI/ SCIE journals and also serving on the editorial boards of some journals.
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