Mohammad Khan

Mohammad Khan is currently an Assistant Professor of Computing at East Tennessee State University. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Computer Engineering from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He is the director of Network Science and Analysis Lab at ETSU. His primary area of research are Vehicular Communications , Adhoc Networks and Network Tomography. His other research interests are in the field of Mobile Wireless Mesh Network and Sensor Networks, Statistical Modeling, ODE and Wavelets. He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications and the International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks. He has been on technical program committees of various international conferences and technical reviewer of various international journals in his field. He is member of IEEE.


International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC)
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Emmanuel Udoh. Est. 2009.
The International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) examines current, state-of-the art research on all aspects of grid and cloud evolution, middleware...