Technology-Enhanced Professional Development With a Situated Community of Practice: Promoting Transformational Teaching

Technology-Enhanced Professional Development With a Situated Community of Practice: Promoting Transformational Teaching

Bridget K. Mulvey
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9278-6.ch001
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The purpose of this chapter is to present an overview of a year-long professional development program on earth systems science and a related investigation into teachers' knowledge and skill development related to technology integration and what promoted transformational changes. Teachers progressed to recognize the spatial nature of science, use technology more for inquiry, and give students control over the technology more. Teachers identified as most helpful the program's cultivation of a community of practice, with teachers supporting each other in their learning and planning to teach. They also identified model lessons during program sessions as helpful, as they were aligned with required standards, focused on big ideas in science, and provided teachers with the time to explore technologies and experience technology-enhanced lessons as learners before developing and teaching their own lessons with their own students. The author then shares recommendations for similar professional development programs.
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Science Teachers’ Incorporation Of Technology And Inquiry

Mission and Context

The Earth System Science teacher professional development program was informed by research on technology-enhanced and inquiry-based instruction and related professional development programs. This chapter focuses on how to support transformational changes in teachers’ technology-enhanced, inquiry-based science instruction via a situated community of practice (teachers working together to plan and reflect on their own instruction to improve).

Teachers need to be prepared to teach science in ways that are more closely aligned with the ways scientists work, represented by constructivist teaching practices such as inquiry. Inquiry instruction can support greater student learning gains compared to traditional instruction (e.g., Furtak et al., 2012). Science inquiry incorporates an important subset of the core science practices identified in the NGSS: development of questions, data analysis and interpretation, development of explanations, and evaluation and communication of information. The NGSS promote the integration of science practices within the context of science content knowledge. Yet teachers commonly mistake “hands-on” activities with little or no meaningful connection to scientific ideas as inquiry instruction (Gates, 2008), and many strong teachers struggle to teach by inquiry (e.g., Capps & Crawford, 2013; Vitalis Akuma & Callaghan, 2019). To address these issues, it is important for teacher professional development programs to focus on content knowledge and active learning opportunities (e.g., Wilson & Berne, 1999).

Research indicates that technology can support inquiry instruction (e.g. Lee, Linn, Varma, & Liu, 2010; Maeng, Mulvey, Smetana, & Bell, 2013). Technology that is easier and faster to learn to use also can “enhance” critical thinking (Patterson, 2007) and prepare learners for GIS training and use (Almquist et al., 2014). Maps and virtual globes such as Google EarthTM may offer helpful entry points for inquiry, balancing usability and analytic power (Curtis, 2019).

Despite its potential, using technology to facilitate inquiry instruction and student learning is complicated and difficult (Williams et al., 2004). A synthesis of technology-enhanced professional development research concluded that long-term support and a constructivist pedagogy orientation are crucial program components (Gerard, Varma, Corliss, & Linn 2011), helping to overcome the difficulties. Individualized support, local data and problems/issues use, and logistical support are important components of successful technology-focused professional development programs with a geospatial emphasis (e.g., Baker et al., 2009; Hammond et al., 2018; Moore et al., 2014; Trautmann & MaKinster, 2014). Hammond and colleagues (2018) recommend that “efforts must find the points of connection, entering into the existing curriculum by meshing with established expectations of content coverage and assessments that align to prescribed learning goals” (p. 281).

As noted by Blanchard et al. (2016), most teachers have not experienced professional development that promotes transformative ways of using technology to change their teaching and how their students learn (Hew & Brush, 2007). Earth System Science represents a program that aimed to promote such transformative technology use. Technology professional development does not ensure that teachers will understand and adopt the technology or use it in ways to promote student learning (e.g., Tyler-Wood et al. 2018). Technology-enhanced teacher professional development needs to be for an extended period of at least a year, with a constructivist orientation such as scientific inquiry (Gerard et al., 2011). Extended professional development programs, such as the three-year technology-enhanced inquiry professional development of Blanchard and colleagues (2016), can improve teachers’ teaching beliefs and comfort using technologies as well as student achievement on standardized tests. Gerard and colleague’s (2011) meta-analysis of teacher technology professional development indicated that university-supported programs tended to be more effective than school-based programs. The Earth System Science program was supported by Kent State University of Kent, Ohio, United States of America.

These evidence-based recommendations guided development and facilitation of the Earth System Science program. The program situated technology-enhanced and inquiry-based instruction in relevant earth and environmental science content.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Next Generation Science Standards: The national science standards of the United States of America with an emphasis on three-dimensional learning that involves the integration of disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts.

Earth System Science: An integrated, system-based approach to teaching earth science.

Transformation: In the context of technology-enhanced instruction, technology changes the role of teachers and students in teaching and learning, with students taking a more central role in the use of technology and related sense making.

Community Of Practice: A group of people who work together on their own and broader group goals, usually with a shared emphasis.

Situated Learning: Learning within contexts that are relevant and meaningful for the learner.

Scientific Inquiry: Both the ways scientists work to learn about the natural world and a constructivist model of instruction that emphasizes students doing science more like scientists do, focused on meaning making over memorization.

Scientific Practices: The actions scientists and science students do to learn about science, also considered to be science discipline-specific inquiry.

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